Please bring along a referral from your General Practitioner or Specialist if you are accessing WiSE Radiology as an outpatient.

Please advise us:

  • if you are or think you may be, pregnant
  • If you have any metal around the area being examined (e.g.: jewellery, dentures, metal buttons etc)
  • If you have had any previous injuries or surgery to the area being examined.

Please bring your referral, Medicare card, and any previous imaging relating to the region being scanned. You may be required to remove jewellery and clothing that contain zips or metal objects.

Most OPGs are performed standing with your chin resting on a small shelf, biting gently on a sterile mouthpiece to steady your head.

You will be asked to lie on your back and to hold still while the images are being taken. It is very important you remain still while your X-ray is taken.

The OPG scan will take approximately 15 minutes.

There are no restrictions after having a digital X-ray.

    • Your results will be ready to discuss with your referring doctor within two (2) business days
    • Images for your scan can be given to you on a CD, which can be useful for specialist appointments.
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