Osteoarthritis is a painful inflammatory condition that affects the joints of the body and structures such as bone, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. These result in pain and a loss in mobility and a reduction in quality of life.
- Swelling around the joint
- Painful movements
- Stiffness in the morning
- Painful grinding or clicking
The OECP (osteoarthritis exercise and care program) program will run for 6-8 physiotherapy sessions with a booster session every 1-2 months to review symptoms and home exercises. It aims to educate individuals as well as reduce the need for a joint replacement early on.
- Exercise has a benefit in reducing pain and improving function.
- Manual therapy has a positive effect on pain and movement.
- Able to manage condition independently.
- Joint protection strategies.
The Agency for Clinical Innovation from NSW collected data in 11 NSW public hospitals and found 70% of people had not access conservative care before being put on the waitlist for surgery. There is conclusive evidence that having a tailored exercise program that strengthens the legs and core will benefit those with osteoarthritic knees and hips.
- Non-surgical approach fails to reduce symptoms by 20-25% on the WOMAC scale.
- There’s a progressive loss of joint space between 0.3-0.7mm.